Full Rated Capacity
• Pre-engineered for use with powered hoists. A factor of 15% of the jib crane capacity is allowed for the hoist and trolley weight with an additional 25% of the capacity allowed for impact, thus giving full rated capacity use of the jib.
Ease of Installation
Single tie rod, right hand threaded at both ends for easy leveling
All connections bolted, including movable bolted trolley stops
Grease fittings are provided for easy field lubrication
200° Power rotation is an available option
The Wall Bracket (WB100) Jib
is the most economical means of providing hoist coverage for individual use in bays, along walls or columns of plants, or as a supplement to an overhead crane or monorail system.
Two key requirements must be met before applying the Wall
Bracket Series:
1. A structurally adequate wall or column to support the jib must exist
2. Sufficient clearance above the boom throughout its arc to accommodate the tie rod suspension must exist
Gorbel’s Advantage:
Ease of Movement
• Low dead weight of the boom combined with bronze bushings and oil-impregnated bronze thrust washers provide for easy rotation and superior load positioning.
• Formed bracket fittings provide for greater reliability. No welds in tension, all bolts are in double shear for increased strength.